Remembering Fireman James Yohe
By Lieutenant Eric Oberdorff
November 14, 2018

On this day 57 years ago, the Wrightsville Steam Fire Engine & Hose Company No. 1 lost volunteer fireman James E. Yohe in the line of duty. He was 31 years of age with nearly 10 years with the department.

Family, fellow firemen and newspaper records recount that the fire had occurred on the afternoon of November 13, 1961 at the Paul Strickler auto paint shop in the 800 block of Hellam Street in Wrightsville Borough. Mr. Yohe, who happened to be off work that Monday, heard the fire siren ring for an alarm, and had decided to stay home and continue to help around the house. The fire siren had sounded again, alerting firemen that more personnel were needed to respond. Mr. Yohe responded to the firehouse to board the engine and went to the fire. The fire was reported to be in a garage bay, with dense smoke filling the building. A booster line was pulled from the engine to knock the fire. It was shortly after that Mr. Yohe became engulfed in fire. His fellow firemen were able to get him to safety and douse the flames. Despite being rushed to Columbia Hospital by Wrightsville Ambulance, Mr. Yohe succumbed to his injuries nearly 12 hours later.

Mr. Yohe, originally from Columbia, was a dedicated father, husband, and fireman. He was formerly a member of Susquehanna Fire & Rescue Company #4 (Columbia Borough Fire Department Station 80) prior to moving to Wrightsville with his wife. He also served in the United States Navy and is pictured in his uniform.

We thank you for your service to your country and community. Gone, but not forgotten!