Loss of Fire Police Captain Ed Keller
By WrightsvilleFIRE
September 2, 2020

It is with deep regret the officers and members of the Wrightsville Steam Fire Engine & Hose Company No. 1 announce the passing of Fire Police Captain and past Fire Chief Edward Keller.

Mr. Keller provided his community with over 56 years of volunteer service, starting as a fireman in February of 1964. During his tenure, he held numerous positions in department administration as well as fireground roles.

-Fire Chief - Elected 1974
-Assistant Fire Chief
-Assistant Hose Director
-Assistant Secretary
-Primary & Alternate Delegate to the County Convention
-Committeeman - 1967 Mack C Pumper

We thank you Mr. Keller for your years of dedication to our organization and our community. You will be missed.